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Happy New Year Contest

I. OBJECTIVE: We welcome the new year with a short CW Contest. All radio amateurs and SWL’s are cordially invited.

II. DATES: Annually on 1 January from 09:00 to 12:00 UTC.

III. BANDS: 80m (3.510-3.560kHz), 40m (7.010-7.040 kHz), 20m (14.000-14.060kHz). The IARU-Region-I band plan must be respected!

IV. CATEGORIES: You can choose only one of the four categories.
Category 1: More than 150W Output (300W Input)
Category 2: Up to 150W Output (300W Input)
Category 3: Up to 5W Output (10W Input)
Category 4: SWL

V. OPERATION: Only CW (A1A). Only single OP.
2. EXCHANGE: RST report plus a progressive contact serial number starting at 001 and incrementing by one for each       contact. Members of AGCW must also give their membership number. Example: 599 067/2583

1. QSO POINTS: Each complete QSO counts one point. Each station may be worked once per band. SWL-LOGS must contain     both call signs and at least one complete logged report. SWLs may log up to 5 QSO of a specific station.
2. MULTIPLIERS: A QSO with a member of AGCW gives a multiplier per band.
3. TOTAL SCORE: Sum of QSO points multiplied with the sum of the multipliers.

VII. LOG SUBMISSION: Each participant must explicitly declare that he has complied with the contest rules.
HNYC-Website: http://contest.agcw.de/hnyc
ELECTRONIC LOGS: We prefer electronic logs.
Logs must be submitted exclusively in Cabrillo V.3  CBR format via upload.
Please consider using this example file for usage and rename your Logfile to ensure a proper automated processing afterwards.

Filename: HNYC2022-YOURCALL.cbr, e. g. HNYC2022-K1EL.cbr
Files not named compliant to before mentioned rule will not be processed.

Here you can download a free software:

MANAGER: Thomas Rudolph, DK3DUA (hnyc@agcw.de)
DEADLINE: Upload/Arrived at the manager (SWL-Logs only) until

14 January 23:00 UTC.

The result around this contest can be found here

Each participant receives a certificate (via PDF-download)

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Happy New Year Contest 2023 – Final Scores veröffentlicht

+++ HNYC 2023 - Final Scores veröffentlicht +++


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Fragen zum Contest?

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