+++ Weinheim 06.-08.09.2024 +++   Auf der diesjährigen UKW-Tagung in...

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+++  CW-Wochenende  +++ Es ist uns gelungen, für die zukünftigen...

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+++ Das war die Hamradio 2024 +++ Vom 28.-30.06.2024 hatte...

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I. ObjectiveThe focus is on the ladies here. But of course all hams and SWLs are cordially invited to participate.
II. DatesAnnually on the first Tuesday in March from 1900 to 2100 UTC. Next date: March 5, 2024.
III. Frequencies3.520 – 3.560 kHz
IV. CategoriesYL, OM, SWL
V. Operation
  1. CALL: YLs call „CQ TEST“; OMs call: „CQ YL“
    YLs: RST report plus a progressive 3-digit serial number starting at 001 /YL/name. Example: 579024/YL/Rosel
    OMs: RST report plus a progressive 3-digit serial number starting at 001/name. Example: 589019/Otto
VI. Scoring
    OM-YL-QSO: 1 point,
    YL-YL-QSO: 2 points,
    OM-OM-QSO: 0 points.
    SWLs will get 3 points per complete logged QSO. One and the same YL must not be logged more than 3 times. Partially logged QSOs count proportionally.
  2. EXTRA POINTS: Each worked/heard country (also DL) gives an additional point.
  3. TOTAL SCORE: Sum of QSO points and extra points.
VII. Awards 
VIII. LOG-Submission

Even small logs are welcome! The results will be published in the AGCW-Kurier, in the YL-Info and in the CQ-DL.

  1. LOG INFORMATION: Submitter: Call, name and address. Columns: UTC, call, exchange sent (e.g. 559001), exchange received, name of the QSO partner, QSO points and total score.
  2. MANAGER: Lothar Grahle, DL1DXL, August-Bebel-Str. 15, 01468 Moritzburg, Germany.
    E-Mail: dl1dxl@agcw.de
  3. DEADLINE: Arrived at the manager until 31 March.

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