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Latvian Mechanical Key Activity 2024


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Latvian open mechanical key activity

Organized by contest group YL1ZX

The activity is to encourage the use of the mechanical key.
Lately listening on the bands the mechanical is gaining popularity.The mechanical key challenges to leave the rubber stamp QSO.
This of course results in more interesting qso’s.

The popular mechanical keys are the straight key, the bug and the side swiper.
Each of them with their distinctive sound … music.
Even it is possible to recognize the individual operator by his specific sound made with the mechanical key.

This mechanical key activity we organize for the first time and we hope that the response is great enough to keep organizing it on a frequent recurring basis.

Dates :
– February 9th 2024 (18:00 UTC)

– May 3th 2024 (19:00 UTC !)

– October 11th 2024 (18:00 UTC)

– December 6st 2024 (18:00 UTC)

Time : Duration 1 hour.

Band : 80 meters, 3520-3560 kHz.

Exchange : RST AGE/Type of key.

Type of key :
S for Straight key
B for Bug
C fo Cootie or Side Swiper

CQ : “CQ MK”

Power : No limit.

Points : Sum of each qso operators age. Dubs and qso outside the time limit will not be counted.

Log : Cabrillo format, CBR or LOG extension.

Log submission : Upload See here or email to mkeys.test@gmail.com, within 7 calendar days after after the activity.

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