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26. SPCWC Activity Days


Mit Freunden und Mitgliedern teilen

SP CW Club (SPCWC) Activity Days

  1. The event is organised on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the establishment of the SPCWC.
  2. The organisers of the Activity Days of the Polish Telegraphists Club (SPCWC) are as follows: SP1AEN, SP2FAP, SP3CW, SP4AWE, SP6CES and SP9MDY (the stations of the organiser grant
    the double number of points).
  3. The event will take place on HF bands on 3rd – 4th July 2021, from 00.00z on Saturday until 23.59z
    on Sunday.
  4. It will be possible to obtain the commemorative Award for having collected 26 points,
    assuming that each QSO with a SPCWC Member grants 2 points. The European stations have to collect 13 points, and the DX stations – 10 points.
  5. The points are granted for contacts made on different bands, separately on Saturday and Sunday.
  6. The exchange data: the SPCW Members send RST + their membership number (e.g. 599 036),
    the others send RST + NM (eg. 599 NM).
  7. The list of the required QSOs has to be submitted within 7 days to the following e-mail address:
  8. The commemorative e-Award in the PDF or JPG format will be submitted to the e-mail address specified in an application.
  9. The Award is available to the SWL stations, the points have to be collected analogically.

73 Hubert SP9MDY sp9mdy@interia.pl

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